Friday, August 1, 2008

August 2, 2008 is the 2nd annual pulled pork party. This year it is in US and the pork was definitely hand pulled because I watched it being done. Cooked up from a 15 lb slab it was cooked overnight and pulled apart the next morning before leaving for NYC. Wow! That was a busy weekend!!!
Marathon trip to NYC to assist with CM move, turned into a very long affair thanks to the many delays in PA. It was hours waiting in line with two lanes of traffic barely moving only to see no construction but every one driving at 10 mph or less??? Go figure, it was almost too much. We let Maggie out for a walk while in the car. Not really but we could have. The Lincoln Tunnel was an hour and half but it was more or less expected there, but the expressway???!!! Our new GPS was a big help in that area, Jill seemed to know the way pretty well, although we got off to a bad start when it recalculated our route to RT 81 after stopping at the post office in US.